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What is a Ministry?

“Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us exercise them; if prophecy, in proportion to the faith; if ministry, in ministering; if one is a teacher, in teaching; if one exhorts, in exhortation; if one contributes, in generosity; if one is over others, with diligence; if one does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness”  (Romans 12:6-8)

We are one body and community in Christ and it is our goal to bring our parishioners together through stewardship:  Prayer, Participation and Generosity.  We work to make Saint Ambrose an inviting, joyful and prayerful place to worship.  To make this happen, we encourage you to get involved in at least one ministry.

Saint Ambrose Society

“I was naked and you gave me clothing;
I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me.”

Following the Call of Christ

The Saint Ambrose Society is an outreach ministry which strives to live out our gospel values by serving the poor through the Corporal Works of Mercy. This ministry requires many volunteers who are willing to help in a variety of ways. The volunteer schedule fluctuates based on the needs of the organizations we serve. Volunteers are scheduled accordingly and on a rotating basis.

How can you help?

  1. Prepare food in our school cafeteria and Church Hall for our meal’s programs.
  2. Serve food in various homeless shelters and soup kitchens.
  3. Assist in the collecting, sorting and distribution of clothes for our clothing pantry.
  4. Assist with our home maintenance repair program.
  5. Make a monetary donation to support outreach efforts.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Saint Ambrose Society, please contact or 314-771-1228 ext. 300

Saint Ambrose Clothing Pantry

Saint Ambrose Clothing Pantry is a year round ministry which began in June of 2020 and serves homeless, sheltered and less fortunate individuals within our Saint Ambrose Community and beyond.  Infants, toddlers, trafficked teens, unwed moms, refugee families, homeless men and women - even 3 shelters housing our 4 legged friends, all benefit from the generous donations of parishioners, their family and friends.  Volunteers sort, fold and distribute 4-5,000 new or gently used items of clothing, shoes, and toiletries each month.  They are then delivered, reaching 23 shelters and families.

Your donations can be dropped off on the clothing Pantry table located in the south vestibule anytime or bring them to the garage every First or Third Monday between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.  Contact or call 314-771-1228 ext. 300 should you have any questions.


Altar Committee

At the direction of the pastor, the Altar Committee is responsible for changing altar cloths and banners for each liturgical season. They maintain and launder altar linens and server vestments, and assist with decorations for special liturgical holidays and events. Please contact Patti Opfer at  if you are interested in helping with this committee.

Altar Society

The men of the Altar Society help to keep the church and the sacristy neat and clean.  They also add to the beauty of the liturgical celebration by decorating for special occasions and holidays.  They clean the church each Monday after the 6:30 a.m. Mass.  Everyone is invited.  If you would like to find out more about this ministry, please call Ronnie Puricelli at 314-779-8631 or


Our choir group consists of men and women who share a love for singing.  We celebrate the liturgy through song.  Any adult with a love for singing is invited to join.  Please contact our Choir Director Darren Modde

Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors

The Eucharistic ministers serve as extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion during Mass.  The lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass through the assigned Scripture readings.  Training is provided and participants must be 18 years or older.  To volunteer for this ministry, please contact Debbie Carnaghi at

Extraordinary Ministry to the Homebound

Ministers to the sick and homebound make home visits to bring Holy Communion to the home bound.  The group also stays in touch with the homebound community on a temporary or permanent basis.  Please contact Sister Sandra for more information at

Mass Ushers

The ushers welcome worshippers as they enter Church, take up collections, and distribute the parish bulletin after Mass.  Please let them know if the Mass is being offered for your family member so they can invite you to present the gifts at the Offertory.  New ushers always welcome.  Contact Father Jack to inquire about being an usher at 314-771-1228.

Mothers Helping Mothers

The Mothers Helping Mothers Group was created to bring moms of all ages together, and help them connect through prayer, faith-based discussion and fun!  The goal of this group is to offer support and help to encourage strong families.  Mothers Helping Mothers meets once a month in the church hall.  Please contact Mary Beth Kleinbach for more information at 314-303-3521.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Ladies get together each Friday morning for crocheting, knitting, crafting and coffee. This prayer shawl ministry benefits the various parish organizations.  Please contact Kathy Ranzini at or 314-962-2281.

Sick and Elderly Program

This free program assists residents living on the Hill.  It provides hospital equipment and supplies to persons who are sick, elderly, or injured.  It is run by volunteers and supported by donations.  For information, contact Debbie Hilderbrand 314-773-7924 or email her for requests or donations  The office is located at 2315 Macklind Avenue, Saint. Louis, Missouri.

Young Adult Ministry

A new ministry at Saint Ambrose is the young adult ministry.  This ministry is specifically designed to engage individuals 18-39.  Young adult ministry aims to address the unique spiritual, social and practical needs of young adults, helping them grow in their faith, helping them to navigate life transitions.  If you are interested in being a part of this new group, please reach out to Will MacKay at

Youth Ministry

Youth ministry is a program designed to engage and support young people, typically ranging from middle school through high school.  The primary objectives are to foster spiritual growth, build community, and provide guidance during formative years.  Key components of youth ministry include:  Spiritual Development, Fellowship, Discipleship, Service Projects and Educational Programs.  Youth ministry creates a safe environment where young people can explore their faith, develop their character, and form meaningful connections.  Our youth ministry program is always looking for high school and adult volunteers, as well as, youth participants. Please contact Annie Daub for more information at