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Parish Life

A Parish is more than a place where you spend an hour at Mass on Sunday.  It is a community where you can offer your gifts in service to the Church.  

Please take a moment to review “Parish Life” at St. Ambrose and see how you can get involved.  

Saint Vincent dePaul Society

“Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

The Saint Vincent de Paul Society was founded in 1833 in Paris by Frederic Ozanam and six of his friends. In 1845, the Society came to the United States, starting here in Saint Louis. To learn more, visit the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.

The goal of the Saint Ambrose Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul Society is to assist persons in need to provide for themselves.

Need Assistance?

If you, or someone you know needs assistance with rent, food, clothing, furniture, utilities, transportation or prescription medication, please call the Saint Ambrose Conference of the Saint Vincent de Paul at 314-289-6101 ext. 1131.

Give a Gift

If you have been blessed with the ability to give a helping hand to another neighbor in need, please consider a gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul c/o St. Ambrose Church, 5130 Wilson Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63110. Your gift will help neighbors facing some of the toughest times of their lives. God Bless you for your generosity. Thank You!

Boy Scout Troop 212

The Saint Ambrose Scouting program offers young men the opportunity to learn and develop through its structured programs and through interaction with leaders, parents, the community and each other.  The young men are given recognition for their accomplishments; leadership qualities are encouraged.  Please contact Jim Striler at 314-574-0173 for more information on Scouts.

Christian Initiation of Adults

The Christian Initiation of Adults program provides group instruction/catechesis for adults interested in joining or learning more about the Catholic Church. The weekly meetings begin in October and continue through Easter.  Registration can be completed at any time of the year.  Please contact Sue Frey at 417-619-5308 or

Crusaders Club

This is one of the oldest clubs in the parish dating back to 1930.  The club consists of fifty members and meetings are the last Monday of each month at Saint Ambrose.  This group participates in Church functions and serves the community.  For questions or to join this organization, please email Jim Bianchi at

Cub Scout Pack 212

Pack 212 is a family and home-centered program that develops ethical decision-making skills for boys in the first through fifth grades.  For our first graders we emphasize shared leadership, learning about the community and family understanding.  For boys in second through fifth grade we emphasize character development, citizenship training and personal fitness.  For information, please contact Samantha Mueller at 314-494-8316 or

Girl Scouts

The Saint Ambrose Girl Scout program works toward building girls of courage, confidence, and character.  Girls join for fun and friendship, but also build character, and serve the community.  Partnering with committed adults, they participate in annual fundraisers, and also host bake sales and other seasonal events within the parish and community.  Membership is open to girls in grades K through 8.  For information on the Girl Scouts, please contact Monica Laramie at

Hill 2000

The Hill 2000 Neighborhood Association was organized for the purposes of community leadership, organizing, planning, advocacy, education, and providing charitable works.  Their goal is to create and maintain a strong, cohesive, and viable residential/business neighborhood.  Meetings are usually held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.  Please check the website for more information at

Holy Name Society

The Holy Name Society is a religious and social organization for the men of the parish.  They meet on the 1st Monday of the month in the Cafeteria of the school.  They sponsor the Boy Scouts, school scholarships, and other worthy causes.  At each meeting, a meal/snack, beer and soda are provided.  Call Steve Hilderbrand for more information at 314-776-5865.

La Festa

La Festa is the annual parish picnic held the first Sunday in May.  It is a wonderful, fun gathering of parishioners, community neighbors-near and far-a perfect way to reunite with school alumni and former parishioners.  The event features booths for all ages, favorite Italian foods, an Italian band, rides and games.  Proceeds of La Festa support the parish and school.  Please contact Mandy Longland to volunteer at

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

The Our Lady of Mount Carmel organization provides opportunities for social and spiritual growth to women of the parish.  They also provide hospitality services for parish activities.  They usually meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. and several times a year they sponsor day trips, lunch outings, and retreats.  Women of all ages are welcome.  Please contact Marie Wohlert at for more information.

PTO-Parent Teacher Organization

The PTO sponsors events to bring the school community-parents, teachers and students-together by planning and conducting family-oriented social activities.  For more information, please contact the PTO President Holly Smith at 314-640-3990 or

Respect Life Committee

This committee is dedicated to raising awareness of Respect Life issues in our parish and school. They are the parish-based arm of the Archdiocesan Respect Life Committee, which promotes the Catholic Church’s teaching on respect for legal protection of every human life from conception to natural death.  They coordinate educational, spiritual, pastoral, and public policy advocacy efforts.  If you are interested in helping with this ministry, please contact Mary Ellen Hoffman at

The Saint Joseph's Altar

The tradition of Saint Joseph’s Altar dates back to the middle Ages when Sicily suffered drought and famine.  The people asked Saint Joseph to intercede on their behalf, and they promised to prepare a feast to honor him if he answered their prayers.  This tradition is carried on at Saint Ambrose. Ladies of the parish bake cookies and bakeries donate bread to honor Saint Joseph on this very special day.  For more information or to help with this ministry, please call the Loretta April at 314-550-4059 or email her at

School Board

The School Board advises the pastor and school principal on matters pertaining to Saint Ambrose Catholic School. They meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month and welcome your suggestions in making our parish and school a better place to learn and express our faith. If you have questions, please contact Katie Hannigan at 314-960-1020 or

Senior Citizens Club

The Senior Citizens Club is a social group whose goal is to make sure our seniors keep in touch and have fun.  Their focus is on friendship and fun.  They meet the 2nd Thursday of the month, seven times a year.  If you would like information on this club, please contact Anna Zahn at 314-704-4188 or

Southwest Garden Neighborhood Association

The SWGNA’s mission is to improve the neighborhood.  The SWGNA assists area family in locating housing resources; assists area property owners in marketing and improving their property; beautifies neighborhood corridors and gateway; assist block units in abating nuisances and crime and coordinates neighborhood-based planning for redevelopment of area housing and economic development.  Quarterly meetings are at the Senior Center on the 4th Monday in January, April, July, and October.  For more information, email

Stewardship Committee

The Stewardship Committee assists the pastor in developing Stewardship as a way of life in the parish, an attitude of the mind and heart that is expressed in action; emphasizing that all people, things, and experiences are gifts from God.  The Stewardship process encourages parishioners to identify their gifts, to be grateful for these gifts, to cultivate and use them responsibly, to share them lovingly in justice with others, and to return them back to God with increase.  The committee generates ideas and implements steps needed to help parishioners better understand Stewardship and live it out in their lives.  If you are interested in this committee or to find out more, please contact John Vacca at